Days 12-14 Wangaratta

This was a ‘catching up wth friends’ few days: on our first day Debbie (previous owner of our Royal Flair) called in with a fistful of brochures to let us know what was on in and around Wangaratta – and to invite us to dinner the next night!

Debbie is a keen and accomplished cook, so dinner was a treat – a delicious lasagne. (Yum. My unfortunate children grew up thinking that all lasagne was meant to be kind of crunchy around the edges. We won’t talk about the black bits.) We also got to see Debbie and Ron’s new baby: their Elite van, outfitted ready for free camping and well-laid out inside. Lovely! (I agree with Debbie: I would have gone for the purple flashes rather than orange, too.) We had a great night, chatting non-stop, and managed to fit in a Skype call to Ron (who was away working) as well.



Earlier that day we met up with caravanning friends Hans and Linda, too, over at Milawa. They were staying with friends, and we caught up at the Milawa Cheese Factory for coffee and (you guessed it) more chat. We saw some absolutely gorgeous vintage cars pull in – wow, these are AMAZING.

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While we were out that way, we decided to take a look at Brown Bros. Winery. Rob took a good look at the oak casks, and we tried to educate our palates about wine! The premises are great, with wine-tastings and outdoor lounges for you to relax on the grass.



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We’d also heard that Brown Bros encourage RVers to stay overnight across the road. We checked out the camping, and found that there’s an area at one end of the car park set aside for RVs: you’re welcome to stay ‘for a night or two’. You need to be fully self-contained, but right across the road you have a wonderful winery and restaurant, wine-tastings, and plenty of areas to sit or lounge about with friends.

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Our visit to Wangaratta coincided with Anzac Day, and Debbie had left us details of the various Anzac day events. Rob opted to go to the 11 o’clock march and public memorial service. He reported that there were probably a couple of thousand people there, including representatives of local service organisations and schools.

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