On the way to Sapphire we stayed at the beautiful, tranquil Lara Wetlands campground. There are plenty of spots to set up all around the wetlands, many that already have a firepit. (The owner, Jo, is trying to minimise the … Continue reading
Category Archives: Free/Budget Camping
Since more and more campgrounds are adopting a policy of ‘self contained vehicles only’ (meaning you have to take your grey water (showers and washing up) with you to a dump point rather than letting it drain into the ground … Continue reading
The road between St George and Cunnamulla was a shocker: it was like a switchback ride. Not only were we tossed from side to side, every so often the road sent the van plunging down then up again. The curious … Continue reading
Cruising on north-east, we left Lightning Ridge at around 8.30 and bumped and swayed our way along the road to St. George. We decided on St. George for three reasons: (a) it was time to have a stop; (b) people … Continue reading
We’ve seen a few different options for setting up an open fire safely, and we considered a choofa, but we wanted something that wouldn’t take up much room. Then Rob had an inspiration when he was folding a basket flat … Continue reading
A friend of mine sent me a link to a Sydney Morning Herald article that she thought I’d be interested in: an interview with caravanners John and Elaine Tickner. They say they think of themselves as ‘geriatric gypsies’, rather than … Continue reading